Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Of School, Clogged Sinks, Birthdays, and Rednecks: Part 2

Dear Arizona,

I left you hanging, sorry. I didn't want you to get bored in one post. Besides, I saved the exciting stuff for last!

So my birthday was Thursday, 21 y'all! Whoop! Brock and I usually work out on Thursdays before he goes to work, but he told me sleep in while he got ready. I later woke up to my favorite hot chocolate and breakfast in bed. Then he made me promise not to do any chores all day (Thursday I don't have school, so I had a full list). It was all just so sweet! Then sadly, he had to go to work.

Around 10:00, I got a special delivery, though! From Mom and Dad!

Yellow and white flowers! It totally surprised me and made my morning! Then Brock and I went to lunch with his parents. They are just so fun to be with! I'm lucky to have them as in-laws, I'm not going to lie.

When I came home, the mailman pulled up with a package: a box from the family! A cake mix (since they couldn't send a cake), some old pictures, a U of A (Arizona, not Arkansas) key chain, a letter from Tanner, and my cookbook of Mom's recipes! I was so excited!!!

I was doing home work when Brock came home that night with my present.

I seriously love this!!! I have always wanted a cute little frilly apron. He also knows my new obsession with headbands. He is so sweet!

We had to get set apart that night for our new calling, but then it was off to dinner at a Japanese Hibachi and Sushi restaurant. I have never had legitimate Japanese food, much less eaten at a hibachi grill. It was so much fun! And we had sushi, too. Another first for me. I love it (with crab... not a fish fan).

 When we got home I made Brock take a birthday picture with me. We took a bunch because he wasn't doing it right! But these turned out great :)

After that we retired to the bedroom with sweatpants and my favorite movie, Star Dust. It was just a perfect night.

Ok, we shall continue to the part I know caught every single one of your attentions (is that gramatically correct?? Oh well!). REDNECKS!

I hate to say I am destined to be one... this is why. Please watch the following:


If you did not understand the point of that video, allow me to show in picture format:
That's a bull's eye, baby! First shot!!! Take that, Target! I believe I was shooting a 9mm pistol. Not too positive. Our good friend's Justin and Cameron took us shooting with them and we did pretty good! That was my second time ever shooting in my life, by the way...

Ok Arizona. That's the latest. Watch out, I can shoot. 
Loves, hugs, and kisses,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Of School, Clogged Sinks, Birthdays, and Rednecks

Dear Arizona.

It has been such an eventful week! School started last Monday and I'm already ready to drop out. I'm taking US History, World Geography, Public Speaking, and Psychology.

I would first like to start off with the fact that this school costs plenty more than my previous... And with the money I'm paying, all my professors won't print a single thing. I have to print out the syllabi (I go to the first day of class only to GET that... other than that it's basically pointless) and I have to print all the assignments I have to turn in. Oh... and I don't have a printer.

My history teacher is my Relief Society president. That is just a little weird for me. Geography teacher is a weird old lady who is alright... but I'm not too sure  her. Speech blows. I don't like speaking precisely. I like winging things. And that professor is pretty grouchy and I get the feeling she doesn't like me (because I didn't print the syllabus and bring it to class... Sorry I didn't check my email Saturday night!!!). Psychology, I like. It's an interesting class and I think, even though it's all on Power Point, I will enjoy it. I will say the good thing about classes are they are only 50 minutes each, and 3 days a week. Classes at pima were between 1:25 and 2:50. That really sucked.

My second little adventure this week was a clogged sink. At first it was just a slow drain, then it started coming back up in the other sink... Oh I forgot to mention, the day this started going down, we put in a new garbage disposal because we found one on sale. It had nothing to do with the clog... So by the end of the day, the food we had disposed of was in the other sink all crushed up and nasty... and we had a lot of dirty dishes... so this was the result:

That's right. Dishes in the bathtub! It was our only other option. We tried two different draino's and my father-in-law used the snake to unclog it earlier that day... Obviously to no avail. Thankfully he came back the next day and unclogged it some more with the snake and it now runs beautifully!

I know the title speaks of more... but this post is to be continued!...

All my love! 

Friday, January 6, 2012

The First Disaster

Dear Arizona,

I hope you get a kick out this! It's a good story. It happened awhile ago, but I figured you would appreciate hearing it.

The night Brock and I arrived home from our honeymoon (road tripping from Arizona to Arkansas), we were exhausted. We didn't have a TV or we might have ended up in front of it. Instead we decided to go to the cheap theater and watch a movie. We also decided that we would put in a load of laundry before we left since we had been gone for several weeks. So we put a load in our brand new washer and dryer, made sure it was running smoothly and left for the movies.


Allow me to show you. This is what our washer and dryer SHOULD look like:

This is what we came home to:

So, you see, we were a little disturbed. The first thing Brock did (before he took the video) was grab the broom and search the house for intruders. I didn't think that was the problem, but after he didn't come back for a few minutes, I got a little scared. But then he came back. No one in the house.

There was water all over the floor so we had to clean that up... we didn't have many towels at the time, so that was an adventure in and of itself. Paper towels, a small carpet, you get the idea. We put everything back where it goes and went to bed.

The next day, we put in our second load and Brock sat across from the washer and watched it. I laughed. When it got to the spin cycle, it started shaking out of control, and pushing the dryer against the wall where we found it the night before.

Now before I go any further... I told Brock that night that it was the spin cycle and it was just shaking too hard. I don't think he quite believed me.

Ok, back to the story. So Brock calls his dad while he is rereading the instruction manual where he finds in the VERY BEGINNING... "Before your first use, remove the shipping bolts..."

"Hey, Dad. Did we remove the shipping bolts?"

He fumbles around the washer.

Nope. Did not take off the shipping bolts. Problem solved.

Let this be a lesson to all: Read all of the instructions, even if you think you know! And take off the shipping bolts! Oh, and don't leave your house the first time you use a brand new, large appliance... Just in case. Learn from our mistakes, Arizona!

Much love,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Falling into Place

Dear Arizona,

I just want to inform all of you that I miss and love... that I miss and love you! And since there are a lot of you, I have decided that I am going to start a blog so that I can tell you about what is going on over here in the country all at once. And I wanted to start a blog because I'm really bad at keeping a journal. And because maybe one day I will change the world. Who knows? ;)

 Winter break has almost come to an end and Brock and I will be back to a normal schedule instead of fixing up the house. I love our new little house. Pictures are up on our walls in the living room and an area rug is on the way. It's looking more like home than a house full of boxes. The bedroom needs work, but we're getting there. I haven't decided how I want to decorate it. I need color scheme ideas so if you have any... offer'em up! Pinterest has served unhelpful in that search.

The next project though, is that stickin' bathroom. Let me paint a picture (maybe I will upload a photo later...): The floor is a green marble tile of sorts. Dark green. The wall from halfway down is green and pink floral.... *bbbllluuuh (that's a lurch of vomit). The counter top is kelly green and laminate.The floor is fine by itself. The wall is fine by itself. The counter is awful any which way. But the combination of the three?? Please refer back to the *. Whew... It's got to go. I think we are leaning towards cream (which is the top half of the wall), brown and deep red. We already have red towels, so don't try to convince me otherwise.

Well that is the update for the time being. Until the next post.

Hugs and Kisses,