Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Of School, Clogged Sinks, Birthdays, and Rednecks: Part 2

Dear Arizona,

I left you hanging, sorry. I didn't want you to get bored in one post. Besides, I saved the exciting stuff for last!

So my birthday was Thursday, 21 y'all! Whoop! Brock and I usually work out on Thursdays before he goes to work, but he told me sleep in while he got ready. I later woke up to my favorite hot chocolate and breakfast in bed. Then he made me promise not to do any chores all day (Thursday I don't have school, so I had a full list). It was all just so sweet! Then sadly, he had to go to work.

Around 10:00, I got a special delivery, though! From Mom and Dad!

Yellow and white flowers! It totally surprised me and made my morning! Then Brock and I went to lunch with his parents. They are just so fun to be with! I'm lucky to have them as in-laws, I'm not going to lie.

When I came home, the mailman pulled up with a package: a box from the family! A cake mix (since they couldn't send a cake), some old pictures, a U of A (Arizona, not Arkansas) key chain, a letter from Tanner, and my cookbook of Mom's recipes! I was so excited!!!

I was doing home work when Brock came home that night with my present.

I seriously love this!!! I have always wanted a cute little frilly apron. He also knows my new obsession with headbands. He is so sweet!

We had to get set apart that night for our new calling, but then it was off to dinner at a Japanese Hibachi and Sushi restaurant. I have never had legitimate Japanese food, much less eaten at a hibachi grill. It was so much fun! And we had sushi, too. Another first for me. I love it (with crab... not a fish fan).

 When we got home I made Brock take a birthday picture with me. We took a bunch because he wasn't doing it right! But these turned out great :)

After that we retired to the bedroom with sweatpants and my favorite movie, Star Dust. It was just a perfect night.

Ok, we shall continue to the part I know caught every single one of your attentions (is that gramatically correct?? Oh well!). REDNECKS!

I hate to say I am destined to be one... this is why. Please watch the following:


If you did not understand the point of that video, allow me to show in picture format:
That's a bull's eye, baby! First shot!!! Take that, Target! I believe I was shooting a 9mm pistol. Not too positive. Our good friend's Justin and Cameron took us shooting with them and we did pretty good! That was my second time ever shooting in my life, by the way...

Ok Arizona. That's the latest. Watch out, I can shoot. 
Loves, hugs, and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. You need to try eel sushi. It is the best!
