Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Dear Arizona,

It hasn't been such an eventful week, but I will share with you my highlight: I got a job!

And you will never guess where! I'm back at good old, Plato's Closet. I think it's funny.

I came at just the right time. They happened to be hiring the day I stopped by with my application. I told the girl that I had worked at the Plato's back home for two and half years, blah blah blah. Not two hours later, I got a phone call asking if I could come in for an interview the next day. So Wednesday, I went to my interview, did the uuush, talked myself up and told them how much I know about the store, redid a display for them. Then she asked if I could start tomorrow. So I did! Bam. Hired. Just like that!

Now I have to say, as a human being, I think I am dysfunctional. As human beings, we tend to focus on the negative things in our past... not always, but we usually remember the bad stuff. It's in out nature.

So when I was thinking of where to apply, Plato's seemed like the ideal place, because I only remembered the things I loved! I loved shopping, I loved my discount, I loved my friends, I loved working with the customers, I loved all the clothes I got because I had first choice on everything, I loved doing displays, I loved tagging the jewelry. It was such a fun job!

But in my backwards, non-human, dysfunctional mind, I forgot to think about why I quit that job... twice. I hated the way my hands dried out, I hated rude customers, I hated the drama, I hated my little pay and massive work-my-butt-off work, I hated my 15 minute break, I hated the hobos that tried to sell clothes, I hated racing for certain days off before other girls got them, I hated all the other people's mistakes I had to fix, I hated the way my back hurt after leaning over the counter all day.

Good grief! It suddenly all came back to me when I started working Thursday! BUT... silver linings:

       I am the new girl, so I am currently not involved in any drama if there is any.
       Not as many hobos live in our dumpster
       I get a 10 minute break now... HA! But I get 30 if work 6 hours, that's great!
      And last, but not least, I have worked at Plato's Closet for longer than even the owner of this                store because it has only been open a little over a year. Today, I taught my owner something.

    I just have a feeling this could be a good thing! Not to mention... SHOPPING IS BACK IN SESSION!

    All my love,


    1. Good luck. This is great. You'll soon be the boss or owner. Just keep up the good work. You can do it.
