Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring time!

Dear Arizona,

It is strange to believe that spring is in the air! I know that in Arizona, it's already beeeeyootiful outside, but here in the Arkies, it should still be a little chilly. However, I am certainly not complaining!

I took pictures of my weeds because they are just so darn pretty!

I also took pictures of the pretty tree in my backyard that I didn't even realize I had! How nice for me.

I don't know what these are, but aren't they pretty?? They popped up by my front door. I love them. 

This is my pretty Bradford Pear tree in my front yard. It started blossoming a couple days ago in pretty white flowers. I took pictures just in time because the flowers are quickly being replaced by green leaves. No other trees are blooming, but all over town I see trees covered in white blossoms. It's gorgeous!

Popcorn really does grow on trees!!! But not apricot, definitely Bradford Pears. I think I will rewrite the song. I looked out my window and what did I see? Pop corning popping on my Bradford Pear tree. It even has the right amount of syllables! Lucky me!

And for those of you who miss my face, (cough cough...Mama, cough) I took a picture of myself in my pretty little grassy, weedy, treey, yard.

I hope you are all doing well. I miss you , truly!
All my love, 

1 comment:

  1. A springtime post on my birthday! How lovely! It completely cracks me up the ads that come on your blog. Today it is affordable tree services and Christian singles! Whhaat?
