Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mud and Cilantro

Dear Arizona,

Remember my lovely garden?? Of course you do! That's all I talk about these days... in any case, first harvest today! I got me some cilantro! Whoop whoop!

I even used it tonight in my dinner! It was super delicious! Complete with recipe if you want to try some Summer Veggie and Chicken Crepes, you can click here for my other blog.

That was a bit exciting. But not quite as exciting as my Saturday was! What? Yeah. I went with Brock and his brother Bryce to the WARRIOR DASH! That's what's up!

Ok, no I didn't run it, I am not yet prepared for that, but next year, I will be. You better believe it.

What is this Warrior Dash I speak of? Allow me to show you...

Victory pose
Bryce just wont stop!

A Warrior's Bath!

And those are my champions! Basically what just happened right there was a 3K with obstacles. Sadly, I only got to see them crawl through the mud, but I also got to watch about 500 others crawl through the mud, too... Like this guy...

In any case, it was a highly entertaining weekend and the weather was PERFECT! Low 70's, cloudy but not rainy, breezy. Couldn't have asked for a better day, especially when the previous Saturday was sunny and 90! We topped the night of with some Mexican food, a quick stop by a creek to get some rocks and then home so the three of us could make Alice's Mother's Day gift. That's my mother-in-law, if you were wondering. It was a full day!

I love you, Arizona. I miss you! But I am having such a wonderful time here, too! Hugs and kisses to all! Until next time.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Of Tomatoes and Such

Dear Arizona,

I think I am doing rather well at keeping up with my posts again. I feel kinda proud of myself. I am prepping for my new blog over the summer. It doesn't have title yet, or a link, but it has an idea and a will behind it! I will let you know!

In any case, I thought I would update you on my... garden! I'm so very excited about it!

First, lets start off with a sad story. Do you remember my pretty flower Brock got me for that random day of the week? If you don't, here it is.

Well, the sad story is this. I killed it. I'm almost certain I over watered it. Stupid Arizonan. Thinking this tropical plant that survives of humidity would need water more than once a week. Oops!

Just look how sad he is! All brown and crunchy. BUT.... I don't know if you noticed...

Two little pups (yes, that's what they are called. I looked it up). One on the right, who is much taller, and a baby on on the left! Once these little goobers get to be 1/3 as tall as mama plant, I can replant them for two new beautiful little red flowers! So I'm not a real killer, mostly but there is hope for me, yet!

On that note, I would like to show you the progress of my pretty little tomato plants. I planted them two weeks ago, and if you would like to compare growth, you can look here. There will be all of my garden pictures, of which progress I will be sharing with you today!

Here are my tomatoes today! Keep in mind, I only planted the little guys (they were just little ones!) two weeks ago!

They're so big! I'm so proud. What about the flowers, you ask? Let me show you those, too!

The front has bloomed! And they are spreading out. I can't wait until they cover the whole area. And you can rest assured, they will!

My rose bush (came with the house) is blooming too! They are small roses, and I like them. Which is saying something because I have never been a big rose fan. I took care of Gramma's bushes when she was on her mission, not a fan! Thorns like no other. I like my flowers to be thorn-free. But still these are cute.

It will get trimmed at the end of the season. Here are my pretty trellis flowers. I don't remember if I showed you these, but I just love them! I don't know how to get the dead vines out though, they are all tangled in with the live stuff so it's a tricky task!

 Ok, last little thing I would like to share. Meet our puppy, Arlington.

The only puppy Brock will let me get. I think you all should comment and tell him how much we need a puppy ;) Arlington is currently housing my basil which is too big for its pot, so it had to be removed. To the back!

So now I have tomatoes, basil and cilantro growing in my little garden! I'm so thrilled! In fact, I made pesto chicken rolls tonight for dinner with that basil! And Brock liked it so much he told me the next time we have our friends over for a date night dinner, we're fixing it. I just had to pat myself on the back for that one.

Well, Arizona, it has been fun. I must leave you for now. Finals are this week and I have been very stressed. But my garden brings me happiness! OH! And just so you all know, I have been called to be ward camp director! I'm really excited and little more stressed. But alas, I have my flowers. Including these daisies (at least I think these are daisies... came with the house).

I love you all! Have a stupendous week and I will return with more adventures soon!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Dear Arizona,

I promised I would tell you of my exciting endeavors last week... Well...


Well, I use the term garden loosely....

In my back yard, kind of surrounding my deck, is a flower bed of sorts. There are four trellises covered in vines, two of which are dead. There were weeds everywhere and it needed some work. So we weeded and took out the dead stuff and planted... Tomato plants! I'm so excited!

 I forgot to take a before and after.... so this the "in the process" of cleaning it out!

  Now we're getting the ground ready.

 And here are my little tomatoes. And me being a gardener!

 There I am!

My little tomatoes!

Then! In the front, I have two little sections on either side of my door. They were also full of weeds and a couple other things. This is the before of one side (we remembered after we cleaned out the first side! haha... I suck and before and afters):

We took out that dead thing you see and all the weeds (not the blue ones, I like those). We planted calla lilies and some other little flowers.. I don't remember what they are called...

And here is the other side!

I will update you on my pretty little flowers! I'm addicted to planting right now. That little pot is basil and I went out and bought cilantro, too! I'm so stoked!! I have never been good with plants, so hopefully the weather here will help me! And hopefully I won't over water anything. That seems to be my most recent problem! 

Anyways, Arizona, I love you! I miss you all!
I send my best!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's been too long...

Dear Arizona,

Please forgive my absence... It has been a crazy couple of weeks. It was filled with work, errands, lottts of homework and school assignments, and spring break!

Firstly, Brock and I got to take a little trip to the Oklahoma City Temple! First time we've gotten to go since the big day! I was amazing!

 Secondly, Brock and I took 5 Japanese students to Dallas for a couple of days. They are here for a couple of months to learn English and get a good taste of American culture. Their favorite part is shopping! Haha. We took them to an outlet mall first, then three huge malls in Dallas (Side note: I always thought the "Everything's bigger in Texas" thing was just for kicks... it's not. It's a fact.) The malls were like 3 or 4 stories with over 200 stores! It was ridiculous. And would you believe, I only bought four things!

We also went to the JFK museum. I don't know if you know about that, but it was in a building where his assassin man (or whatever) shot him from. I don't think they enjoyed it very much, but I thought it was pretty cool... and depressing! Kind of creepy and gloomy being in the room that a killer was in. But over all, it was an neat experience.

It was a little bit of struggle communicating with the kids (I call them kids even thought their only like 3 years younger than me), but we had a lot of fun... the boys even found ways to make fun of me all weekend. Go figure.

Ok, that covers spring break.. I might post some pictures later, but they are on Brock's camera and I'm not sure where that is that moment. In any case, I think that is enough for tonight. Soon I will update you on my latest accomplishment! It's a good on...wink wink...

All my love, take care and farewell, my friend.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Time: Part II

Dear Arizona,

Since spring has begun, I have started observing this very foreign world with new eyes.

Eyes that have noticed a lot of things. I will share what I have learned/observed.

First: Trees come in colors other than green and icky-green. I had no idea. And I am talking about spring colors, not the lovely shades of fall.
Pink, for example, is wonderful spring color. I have yet to capture a shot of the gorgeous reds, yellows, and purples. I will in soon!

Second: Citizens of Arkansas must have stronger legs than Arizonans. I love walking around outside and have discovered that flat ground is a rarity. There are hills Ev.eRy.Where! Up and down I walk all day... my poor little legs are definitely not used to it. And neither is poor Hogarth, my truck. His sad little gas mileage has gone down. Fortunately, I work a mile away and don't go too many other places other than school (and Brock drives us both there).

Third: There are people living in the same world that I live in, who more their lawn more than once a summer! My mind has been blown! Brock mowed last Monday and is supremely distraught that it is scheduled to rain all this week, postponing his next mow until two Mondays from the previous mow. He says our lawn will be a jungle by then and I just don't understand! I have never even mowed a lawn before.

Fourth and Last: Spring smells divine! All the flowers are overtaking my senses and I love it! Not to mention all the people putting their grills to good use... Speaking of which, Brock and I just inherited one from his Grampa and I can't wait to put it to good use ourselves!

On another completely different note. I am officially official. I can drive in the state of Arkansas now (took me long enough, right? Yeah, shut up.)! Driver's license and license plate all say Arkansas on them. I feel authentic now. Luckily I haven't sported an accent yet. Yet. I sometimes get a hint of one at work (or hanging out with my mother-in-law) when I'm constantly talking to people, but it goes away quickly.

Well, Arizona. That's it for today. Hopefully all this rain doesn't wash away all the colorful tree blossoms so that I can send pictures. 10 INCHES BY WEDNESDAY! Isn't like the annual amount for Arizona??

I love you all! Hugs to everyone.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring time!

Dear Arizona,

It is strange to believe that spring is in the air! I know that in Arizona, it's already beeeeyootiful outside, but here in the Arkies, it should still be a little chilly. However, I am certainly not complaining!

I took pictures of my weeds because they are just so darn pretty!

I also took pictures of the pretty tree in my backyard that I didn't even realize I had! How nice for me.

I don't know what these are, but aren't they pretty?? They popped up by my front door. I love them. 

This is my pretty Bradford Pear tree in my front yard. It started blossoming a couple days ago in pretty white flowers. I took pictures just in time because the flowers are quickly being replaced by green leaves. No other trees are blooming, but all over town I see trees covered in white blossoms. It's gorgeous!

Popcorn really does grow on trees!!! But not apricot, definitely Bradford Pears. I think I will rewrite the song. I looked out my window and what did I see? Pop corning popping on my Bradford Pear tree. It even has the right amount of syllables! Lucky me!

And for those of you who miss my face, (cough cough...Mama, cough) I took a picture of myself in my pretty little grassy, weedy, treey, yard.

I hope you are all doing well. I miss you , truly!
All my love, 