Remember my lovely garden?? Of course you do! That's all I talk about these days... in any case, first harvest today! I got me some cilantro! Whoop whoop!
I even used it tonight in my dinner! It was super delicious! Complete with recipe if you want to try some Summer Veggie and Chicken Crepes, you can click here for my other blog.
That was a bit exciting. But not quite as exciting as my Saturday was! What? Yeah. I went with Brock and his brother Bryce to the WARRIOR DASH! That's what's up!
Ok, no I didn't run it, I am not yet prepared for that, but next year, I will be. You better believe it.
What is this Warrior Dash I speak of? Allow me to show you...
Victory pose
Bryce just wont stop!
A Warrior's Bath!
In any case, it was a highly entertaining weekend and the weather was PERFECT! Low 70's, cloudy but not rainy, breezy. Couldn't have asked for a better day, especially when the previous Saturday was sunny and 90! We topped the night of with some Mexican food, a quick stop by a creek to get some rocks and then home so the three of us could make Alice's Mother's Day gift. That's my mother-in-law, if you were wondering. It was a full day!
I love you, Arizona. I miss you! But I am having such a wonderful time here, too! Hugs and kisses to all! Until next time.
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